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来源: 红枫林新闻网  日期:2018-06-29 16:56:00  点击: 8842

    Parksen公司是一家专门提供具有前瞻性和价值性解决方案的公司。Parksen推出了一款停车应用程序以及IoT 设备等,并在此基础上,扩大了使命和版图,渴望改变所有停车设备设施,收集各种不同的相关信息,运用其技术、产品和服务,提供不同的解决方案,满足各种相关需求,改变日益严重的交通堵塞,减少有害气体的排放,提高空气质量,为改善城市环境,打造绿色城市、智慧城市和互联城市的平台。
    5月24日,在布鲁塞尔,Parksen公司的CEO 艾迪·珀斯特玛(Eddie Postma)、IT架构师Fikko van der Bosch和市场与公关经理 Wilhelm Roth 一起出席了“洲际区块链会议”。“洲际区块链会议”由欧盟外交代表团和立陶宛的首都维尔纽斯区块链中心共同组织,并由欧洲议会议员Antanas Guoga主持,旨在为政府提供区块链服务,加密货币的监管和促进科技(如区块链,人工智能和物联网)的协同作用。“洲际区块链会议”除了吸引很多领先企业之外,还有许多ICO组织者和欧洲议会会员也加入其中,他们花了一天的时间来倾听,以及谈论欧洲的雄心壮志——成为被第四次工业革命的领跑者。

    Parksen公司在“洲际区块链会议”上表示:“我们尝试了解我们所处的位置,发展到哪一步, 比哪些国家先行,比哪些国家落后,哪些地方可以提升自我并逐步完善,在全球创新发展浪潮中,锐意创新,造福人类。”



Parksen is a parking app that provides easy-to-use, future-forward and affordable parking solutions in metropolitan areas. We’ve built on that base premise and expanded our mission to transforming all sorts of infrastructure that connect to parking. With our ambitions to deploy massive amounts of IoT devices, all focused on different solutions, we will gather relevant information that can help us, and cities, fight back against ever-rising levels of traffic congestion, toxic emissions and decreasing air quality.
This data will be made available to municipalities, companies, parking garages and drivers alike through our parking app, but also through our Green, Smart and Connected City Platform, which can be integrated by any city free of charge.
May 21st, 2018, AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS – Parksen will build a Green, Smart & Connected City Platform, powered by the Ethereum blockchain, immutable smart contracts and a real-time parking app, that will bring much-needed innovation to modern and urban hotspots around the world. The mission? Enriching and connecting these metropolises with truly green solutions, smart and IoT device integrations, overall cost reductions and general infrastructural optimization for citizens and municipalities alike.
Eddie Postma (CEO), Fokko van der Bosch (IT Architect) and Wilhelm Roth (Marketing & Communications Manager) drove to Brussels for an especially interesting and important event: the Intercontinental Blockchain Conference.
Hosted by Antanas Guoga, a member of European Parliament, in cooperation with Blockchain Centre Vilnius and diplomatic representations of the European Union, this conference is about blockchain for government, the regulation of cryptocurrencies and synergies of trending technologies (like blockchain, AI and IoT).
So what brings Parksen to this unique event? To explain this, we need not look further than a quote of our host (which can be found on the website of the event as well):
“At the Intercontinental Blockchain Conference we try to understand where we are — which nations are upfront, where we are behind and where can we apply ourselves or regulate progressively for a global growth and embracement of innovations for the benefit of humanity.”
-Antanas Guoga, member of the European Parliament
The future of the Parksen Green, Smart & Connected City Platform, and its ambition to create a global standard for sustainable city development, relies heavily on governmental participation and mainstream understanding, acceptance and adaption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
We are very curious to learn more about the possibilities that are ahead of us, and hopefully we will find answers in Brussels.
We are nearing the official launch of our pre-sale ICO. Soon, interested parties can join us on our mission to create a Green, Smart and Connected City Platform that will revolutionize sustainable city development and urban life as we know it.
The Parksen team has been putting in tireless work over the last couple of months during the ICO preparation. From gathering a team of highly skilled specialists and advisors, to drafting and publishing the first version of our whitepaper — we even built an entire site from scratch.
It took blood, sweat and tears, but we are extremely proud to share with you the fruits of our hard labor. We have several interesting things to share with you, but let’s start with parqtoken.com!


